Photo of Aurelio Monge Spain

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Born in Andalucia (Spain, 1971) Aurelio Monge is a versatile visual artist whose portfolio is inspired deeply by Baroque painters and other Old Masters of Romanticism, Academism, and Symbolism especially Caravaggio, Ribera, Velazquez, David, Gericauld and Bouguereau.

His work also focuses on the human figure impregnated by his enthusiasm for Greco-Roman culture and Classical sculpture particularly Phidias,...

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39.37 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 19.69 in

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Born in Andalucia (Spain, 1971) Aurelio Monge is a versatile visual artist whose portfolio is inspired deeply by Baroque painters and other Old Masters of Romanticism, Academism, and Symbolism especially Caravaggio, Ribera, Velazquez, David, Gericauld and Bouguereau.

His work also focuses on the human figure impregnated by his enthusiasm for Greco-Roman culture and Classical sculpture particularly Phidias, Lysippus, Michelangelo, Cellini and Giambologna.

He likes to take care of the composition and framing. Taking advantage of natural light and grain textures at high sensibilities. Capturing the motion. Playing with the expressive possibilities of the models or the sculptural artworks.

Influenced by his own experience with death and the work of Duane Michals and Bill Viola he is developing several series into the world of videoart that he reserves for future exhibits. Narrative sequences without beginning or end, back and forward in a loop, proposing different logical interpretations and allowing the viewer a sense of recognition and draw their own conclutions. Simple ideas whose theme revolves around concepts of life and death, body and soul, despair and calm, visible and unvisible, nothingness and eternity.

In this field, Monge becomes minimalist and he release himself from commitments formal perfectionism focusing on the message and thus linking the work with meaning.

With his exhibition at the Art Biennale in Corbera d\'Ebre (Spain, 2011) he broke this line by going to conceptualism.

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